Friday, September 27, 2013

My housemates and I have gotten into quite a vacation groove these past few weeks. We eat delicious meals with our host families, go on sunrise runs through date farms, drink wine on our rooftop, explore new hot springs. It has been such a treat. Today we found a new waterhole. It is inside a nearby kibbutz, and to get to it you have to take a winding path through eucalyptus trees. There were a lot of kids our age, smoking hookah on the bank or laying on mattresses floating in the water. One of the trees overlooking the river has with a rope attached to a tall tree. We took turns swinging on the rope and jumping into the water. The water was cool and refreshing, and we felt as if we had found a hidden gem.

Last night was Simchat Torah. We spent the day at the Levi's, singing 80's rock ballads karaoke-style, and some One Direction for the daughters. When the sun went down, we went out to the town square, where a live band was playing. Everyone was out, and there was a circle of men (and hidden from view, another circle of women) dancing around a person in the middle who is carrying a torah. It was quite a festival, with vendors selling popcorn and glow sticks and cotton candy (called "grandma's hair" in hebrew). The head rabbi of the town came out to bless the crowd. In his speech he talked about how Jews all over the world were celebrating just as we were here, and said that our enemies could not hurt us because Israel was strong. It is a kind of sentiment commonly expressed here. During the holidays, families will bless many foods before the dinner with blessings, some hopeful (may god watch over us and protect us from enemies), and others less gentle (may all of our enemies be swallowed by the sea). It draws my attention, because here no one thinks the words are empty.

After Shabbat is over, we have training, and then Monday we start our first day of teaching! I am excited, and a little bit nervous. Thanks for all the comments and letters everyone!

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